Midway through the season

The team is about midway through the 2016 road season and we have had outstanding success so far! Last weekend we raced again in Tucson at the Colossal Cave road race where we took home wins in EVERY category!
Men’s C: Thomas Valente
Women’s B: Cherry Niel
Men’s B: Bryan Little
Women’s A: Shelby Hoglund
Men’s A: David Greif

Check out some photos too!

Absolutely amazing race day on Pistol hill! Bear down!

Posted by UA Cycling Team on Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spring Semester Info

Spring Semester Info!

New to the UA or interested in cycling? This is the week for you! We’ll be hosting our spring information meeting on Thursday 1/14 at 7:30pm at the Tubac room in the Union. Come find out more about the team and how to join! Be a part of the best club in the country and join a family of alumni across the country!

We’ll also be revising our ride schedule here in a few days. All riders and other info are posted on our Facebook Page, which we recommend you join!
